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Defending my Reputation
If you are searching me today, you are going to discover that I am a registered sex offender . This title I
was giving by the state in 2007. Before you judge the opinion that the internet will define, I also wanted
to share my side of the story.
My name is Boe Braccio and I was a victim, but I will not be any longer. I am a husband, a father and I
am also pursuing my dreams of becoming an American Businessman, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist.
To end the abuse, I am addressing what happened to me in the open letter to the public.
When I was a child I was severely abused. The abuse began small and manifested within my Church
when I sought help as child from an adult that I thought could protect me. Unfortunately, this particular
individual used this knowledge and his power to abuse me more than anyone else.
This individual groomed, targeted, and used information he had on me to gain power and influence
control. He used this and his authority to make me do things I did not want to do. One of those things
was to be present the Church media room, where I was photographed and video taped. My abuse
continued from the age of 12- 15 and at 16 I ran away from home to escape my environment.
After years of struggling to continue school and employment I worked my way into management at a
large company. As luck would have it, in 2004 one of my employees was picked for jury duty.
She was out of the office for a 5 day trial. When she returned she shared that she was on the jury that  prosecuted my former abuser. I was not alone. Turns out he was abusing dozens of young boys over
decades. These boys, now men grouped together as adults to see that he was put in jail. She shared that she
was being shown sick stuff. I wanted to know if there was history of me.
This began my quest to search for information. I contact Child Services, the Church itself, the attorney
that represented the clients, and also the internet. Child services, the church and internet were of little
help. The attorney could not disclose any information but assisted me in also reporting my case and
represented me against the Church.
In 2005, I had homeland security come to my home and inquire if I had searched the internet for child
pornography. I told them that I had in 2004 for pictures of myself but couldn’t find anything and I
stopped looking because the pictures online are horrific. They left and said they would be back with a
warrant for my PC. At the time, I called an attorney that suggested I had nothing to hide and to turn
over my computer. He believe it would help my case, as I did not possess any images of child
pornography, and they most likely would retain the warrant. I turned over the computer with no
warrant as I had nothing to hide.
The state attorney wanted me to take a plead deal that included 6 months in jail and being registered
without even filing discovery. He said that if I rejected he would file more charges on me then had ever
been filed on anyone in the state before. I rejected the offer. He filed 44 counts. I turned myself in and
posted bail so that I could have my chance to fight.
A year later and a different state attoney, I was offered a 4 year probation sentence and with the intent
to release in 1 year, 2 at max and list as a sexual offender. If I elected trial, the charges do not allow any
personal history or explanation to included in the trial. The charges also do not actually require

possession, just the ability to prove I looked and it came with a minimum sentence of 5 years per count.
For me, the system failed. I had to accept the plead deal. I served 2 years probation without jail.
I am sharing my story, because I do have a family and I am trying to make my contribution to society.
Being a sexual offender categorizes me in a group of individuals makes hard for us to have these things,
yet not all of us are bad or a threat. I was hurt and I wanted answers. To this day, I have no idea what
ever happened to my photographs, but I have healed and I am trying to make my place in this world.
Am I upset about being listed, I am not. It was a choice I had to make at the time given all the
I also believe sexual offenders and predators are a real issue. My main abuser was relocated to my
church after being accused in Venice FL. I wish society had worked harder to protect me when I
was younger. I can take the label if it reminds everyone to watch their kids all a little closer. I am just
asking you to not let it impair my ability to live free.
I have done my time.

Below are links to additional articles related to my story and letters:

Thanks! Message sent.

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